We are looking forward to celebrating Wonderful World Book Day next Friday 7th March. We will be sharing our favourite books, taking part in a book swap and don't forget to order your Wonka Bar from FODS to see if you can win the golden ticket!


Welcome to Little Dippers!
Little Dippers learn and play alongside the children in Reception ensuring a smooth transition from pre-school  into the beginning of their school  journey. 
Sophie Taylor, our Pre-school Lead, works closely with our Early Years Lead, Miss Ali Reid and our experienced Early Years teaching assistant Sharron Sedgbeer to ensure that the provision for both Pre-School and Reception meets the needs of every child and enables them to flourish. Sandy Cioffi and Paula Cox, both experienced Early Years assistants, work with the children on a Wednesday morning at Forest School as well as at lunchtime every day.
Children in Little Dippers are encouraged to learn through play and exploration, through being active, creative and thinking critically. The staff aim for the children to be inspired by their experiences; motivated by stimulating environments and equipment; fully engaged in their learning and, ultimately, to be empowered to continue to explore and learn themselves independently. This is managed through carefully planned activities and widespread  opportunities for child-initiated learning.
Little Dippers have daily access to water and sand play, painting and other ‘messy’ activities. There is also access to a range of construction and investigative activities. Exploring and discovering supports their learning and development as well as being an activity which they really enjoy!
The children are provided with a variety of inspiring and stimulating learning spaces both inside and outside which develop all the fundamental aspects that are needed to develop throughout the first school years. The children also partake in Forest School at least once a week with our qualified Forest School Leader in our amazing outdoor areas.

In Little Dippers, the children build the early listening and auditory skills through  working through phase 1 phonics including the phase 1 resources provided by our main school SSP phonics scheme, Phonics Bus. They are also encouraged to develop their speaking, listening and social skills.

Little Dippers is a vibrant, nurturing and inspiring place to be and Diptford C of E  Primary School is very proud of the start we give to our youngest members of the school.