We are looking forward to celebrating Wonderful World Book Day next Friday 7th March. We will be sharing our favourite books, taking part in a book swap and don't forget to order your Wonka Bar from FODS to see if you can win the golden ticket!

Vision and Values


Our Christian Vision:


At Diptford School our Vision of ‘Let your Light Shine’ is a statement that underpins and encompasses what we are about. The needs of our children are met individually and collectively, allowing us to create lifelong learners who show Christian Distinctiveness in everything they do.  

Like Jesus, we have an influence and ‘do good things for all to see’. We underpin the teachings of Jesus and don’t shy away, we celebrate what we have done and reflect on the love of Jesus who is a light in the darkness, we are inclusive of all and here at Diptford, everyone is empowered to shine. 


Let your light shine!

Matthew 5:14-16 


 At Diptford we strive for excellence and enjoyment in learning through aspiration and collaboration.  With kind hearts and a community focus, we grow together with a deep respect for each other and thankfulness for our beautiful surroundings.   

Our small school offers big opportunities that support our pupils to flourish and stand out with courage and conviction, finding joy and fulfilment in the exciting and enriching wider curriculum we offer. 


MAT vision

The Church Schools within the Link Academy Trust aim to provide an education with four key elements which are at the heart of all that we are, enriched by our Christian traditions; Wisdom, Hope, Community and Dignity.

Our learners will be given opportunities to become independent, collaborative, creative learners who have the confidence to seek wisdom and nurture a love of learning.

Our small schools provide big opportunities to broaden learners’ horizons and prepare them for the fullness of life, through hope, aspiration and our core Christian values.

We focus on relationships and learning to live well in a wider community that can flourish together.

Central to children’s learning is respecting the worth, dignity and preciousness of each person in a safe and inclusive environment within the sight and love of God.


Our Christian Values:

Teachers, parents, pupils and our School Ethos Group contributed to the review of our school values through 2017-19. Here are the ones that we decided are core to us at Diptford:

Respect, Joy, Kindness, Courage, Community and Thankfulness.

In Autumn 2020, we asked our parents to let us know if/when they have seen them in action - please see the 'Here's what our parent's think' tab for some of their amazing responses.

Our values are supported by teachings and stories from the Bible:

Respect - The 10 commandments Exodus 20:1-17

‘As you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.’ Luke 6:33

 Joy - Story of the birth of Jesus (Nativity) Luke 2 1:20, Matthew 2 1:11

‘These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full.’ John 15:11

 Kindness - The Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37

‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.’ Mark 12:31 (The second of the 10 commandments

 Courage - David and Goliath 1 Samuel 1:49

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

 Community - 12 Special Friends John 1:35-49 & Acts 1:12-26

‘This is my command to you: Love one another.’ John 15:17

 Thankfulness - Creation Story Genesis 1 1:31

“Give thanks in all you do; for this is God’s will for you.” Thessalonians 5:18


The pictures below were designed and created by our pupils to represent our values.


Our Pattern of Collective Worship:

We meet daily for an act of Collective Worship (CW), which provides an opportunity to reflect and express the Christian ethos of our school. The Open the Book team visit us fortnightly to dramatise Bible stories and members of our Pupil Ethos Group  led some of our collective worship throughout the year.



Whole school Collective Worship 



Collective Worship in St. Mary’s church, whole school 



Open The Book or whole school Collective Worship 



Whole school Picture News  



Whole school celebration including pupils’ achievements 


Values group (Monday– Wednesday ) 

Mirror without the element of worship 

Each teacher leads their Collective Worship in rotation for us all to share, starting the week with a Collective Worship and ending in our usual celebratory fashion with all staff and pupils celebrating achievements  both in and out of school. This means we have a consistent approach across school.  Reverend David leads CW in church and David and Wendy from the Open the Book team visit us  every other week to bring Bible stories to life with acting.