Happy New Year. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 7th January.

School Day Times

School Times:

Diptford CofE Primary School offers total weekly hours of 32.5 for compulsory attendance. 

The School gates open at 8.40am.

The school bell rings at 8.50am and all children must arrive by this time. 

We strongly encourage all children to be prompt and ready to start the school day at 8.50am. 

If you do arrive late then it is important to enter school via reception. Children will be marked late in the register if registration has finished (Registration closes at 8.50am).

The number of late attendances is then recorded and noted on school reports.

School finishes at 3.20pm and children can be picked up from the small playground/outside learning area outside Little Dippers Nursery at this time.

Access to the school at all other times must be via the School office to ensure the safety and security of our children.