We are looking forward to celebrating Wonderful World Book Day next Friday 7th March. We will be sharing our favourite books, taking part in a book swap and don't forget to order your Wonka Bar from FODS to see if you can win the golden ticket!


At Diptford Primary School, we define spirituality as:

       ‘An awareness of our connection with ourselves, others, the world and beyond’

Spirituality is all around us, you cannot see it, but you can feel it. It’s about taking the time to appreciate the little things, the awe and wonder in the surroundings around us, being curious and asking questions. It is unique to everyone and can be encouraged through our relationships with ourselves, others, the world and beyond

At Diptford we strive to recognise, share, and celebrate spirituality, giving children the time, space and encouragement needed to enable their spirituality to flourish.

Awe and Wonder 

Can you recall that feeling of seeing something so amazing you said “Wow!”?  That is what we mean by awe and wonder. We love to capture WOW moments at Diptford C of E Primary School and are active in promoting this magical feeling throughout our curriculum for our children and adults.

We use a ‘Windows, Mirrors and Doors’ approach to offer children opportunities to reflect and consider their own - and others’ - thoughts, feelings and opinions. It provides a framework through which children can talk about their personal and spiritual development using the imagery of windows to look out on the world, mirrors to look in and reflect on questions like 'what does this mean for me', and doors to look ahead or out to the wider world.

Our vision and values underpin the way in which we provide children with the skills, tools and language to understand life and their experience of what it means to be human in an inclusive environment, so that they may live well, learn and flourish as compassionate, self-aware, responsible members of society.

We also love to tell you about our WOW moments! Here are some for you to enjoy.